Saturday, December 27, 2008

2008 Lessons

With a new year on the horizons I have been thinking about all the things that have changed this last year for us. I had a lot planned and a lot of goals when I set out this last year. Some (well most) of them ended up changing as we were blind sided by a lot of things in life that seemed out of our control.

These changes made for a very stress filled year in many respects but also led me to re-think what is important to me and really caused me to focus in on the important aspects of my life. I get so caught up in "success" that sometimes I forget how truly successful I really am where it really matters.

Through all the ups and downs of this last year, I think the best part was that I learned more about myself and what is truly important to me which seemed to make all the "other stuff" kind of fall into place in the end.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Christmas Feelings

I was thinking today that it is Christmas time again. That means that it is time for my annual Christmas time bashing... This year though, I am not really up to it :)

I have been softening in many ways over the last year or so and one of those ways is in the way I feel toward Christmas. I suppose that it is not all bad. Sure the commercialism and frenzied state of mind that everyone seems to be in still gets on my nerves but the underlying good things are still there I suppose.

BTW, this doesn't mean that I like Christmas music, shopping or decorating the tree any more than I used to, it only means that I may be more prone to tolerate such behavior in others without the usual Grinch-like comments ;)