Sunday, July 27, 2008

My New Job

Sorry that I have not posted anything in a long while. I have been in a crazed state of searching for a new field after being a little tired and worn out by the home improvement industry. I have thoroughly enjoyed my almost 3 year stint with Carpenter's Touch but after a long list of reasons decided to try to move on about a month ago.

I began to look for my "dream job" (or something close). I wanted a job where I would be able to interact with small business owners helping them to grow their businesses through this tough economic time. I also wanted to be able to learn and promote e-marketing techniques.

Long story short, I found an e-marketing company that was looking for a sales agent to tackle the Boulder area and sent my resume off to them realizing that it was a long shot. They ended up calling me back the next week to conduct a "phone interview" and subsequently scheduled an "in person" interview between myself and the CEO, Randy Davis.

After both interviews they ended up offering me the job with a great base pay + commission structure that I really couldn't say "no" to.

I am now an Invite Systems Sales Agent-

Friday was my first day of actual in-the-field work and I scheduled 2 sales presentations to take place this coming week... not a bad first day.

Anyway, it's exciting to be on a new path and hopefully one that I can ride for the long haul into a carrier that is both challenging and rewarding!

New Phone Number.

Hello all.

Sarah and I have new local phone numbers:

Josh's Cell: 720-278-8672
Sarah's Cell: 720-2785492

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Trying Not To "Shut Down"

This has been a tough week. I am living in that place that I get to every now and then where I am so stressed out that I tend to simply shut down. I get to this point where it is hard to believe that working harder is really going to produce more results.

I keep telling myself that massive action produces massive results and that nothing is going to change in life until I get out there and make it change.

The funny thing is that I am now in a position to make twice as much money in my business if I can pull off half the results that I used to! It is almost like I have been paralyzed with the fear of success. I know that sounds stupid but I am starting to think that I may just be afraid of what I might do and become if I actually had the money and freedom that I spend so much of my life pursuing.

The reality of making $7500-10k a month is staring me in the face and I can't get motivated to go and get it... I guess that my brain prefers the hunt more that the kill and once I get the opportunity to shoot I feel that I have reached my goal and go home.

I have finally put together a deal that I would have killed for for years and I am shutting down.

Whats the deal?