Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Very Good Week

After having lived in what feels like a barren waste land for the last few months as far as business is concerned, This last week I finally broke out!

I contracted about 50k in good business in the last week and it feels good!

I don't know what is going on in the Denver market lately but everyone in my industry has been struggling just to get by. We are having a very tough time getting people to see the value of improving their homes.

I mean, the things that I sell, like replacement windows, siding and decks are all in the top 5 value adding improvements that you can do to your home and I can't get people to make the investment for some reason. Vinyl window replacement, on average, in 2007 had a 98.5% ROI! That is huge. But at the same time people that I talk to seem to be more concerned with driving a new BMW than improving their equity position in their homes... go figure.

Anyway, it has been a good week and I think that I have finally hit on some very key marketing and sales components that just maybe my competition has missed.

I am going to keep on giving it my best efforts and just maybe one day it will all be worth the effort.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Business Sustainability

I finally met the owner of the Heidie's Brooklyn Deli down the street from my apartment.

His name is Jerry, this is his first run at restaurant franchising and he says it is not going well. No matter what he does he can't seem to get people into his place for food and drink. He has been there for 2 + years and as he says "we are trying our best to make it to 3".

He got me thinking about business sustainability. I for one am tired of waking up in the morning wondering where my next client is going to come from. I need to figure out what systems that I can create and implement that will equate to business sustainability.

That is the key to business. If a business person can land a way to sustain a flow of business without having to constantly guess where to look, that person will find success in any industry.

I am currently searching for a cost effective way to sustain business in the Exterior Remodeling Industry. And I'm very excited about a few ways of marketing that, to my knowledge, no one in this industry has ever used.

I have spent one day so far in the "beta testing" mode with this new model. It's clean, it's simple and it's sustainable! We'll see what happens.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

My Brother Dave...

is a good man. I just want to say that having a friend like David is the most amazing thing in the world. We have been through thick and thin together and he continues to care about me and help through the crap in life. I only hope that my friendship with him means as much to him as it does to me and that one day I can repay him for all he has done and is doing in my life.

(Thanks for the talk last night bro)