Sunday, March 30, 2008


I have been a royal pain in the &ss to every one that knows me for the last few weeks. I don’t really know what is wrong with me other than simple life stresses starting to ware me out. I am just so tired all of the time… I slept for 13 hours last night and I am exhausted this morning at the thought of another day and week staring me in the face.

I thought that I had all of this handled but it keeps creeping back up on me.

I feel so manic all of the time, I can start the day out sick to my stomach I am so tired, swing up to feeling that I could take on an army in the afternoon and then plummet into the depths of despair by dinner time. I have tried mixing up my diet, not drinking any alcohol, quitting coffee, exercising, not exercising… everything that I can think of.

I think that the thing that bothers me the most is that when I am on top of my game I am really on top of it. I mean, I am freaking amazing in the amount of stuff that I can get done and the people that I can motivate and the life that I can lead. I want to be that way all of the time no matter what but I can’t seem to break the code.

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